Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860
Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860
Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860
Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860
Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860
Reg:S/1856/2018 Under society act 1860

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A Proud List of Members Committed to Supporting Our Mission and Inspiring Positive Change!

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Meet the Governing Body: Dedicated Leaders Steering Our Mission to Empower Lives and Communities.



PNNFI is a modern evolution in the discipline of pediatrics with the aim of developing and promoting standards in neonatal and pediatric Nursing. Its existence in February 2018 would create a common platform for pediatric faculty and nurse practitioners under one roof for the development of knowledge and skills among nursing professionals in neonatal, pediatric and adolescent nursing care in various levels of health care institutions.

Prof. HCL Rawat President PNNF India. Era College of Nursing, Era University, Lucknow, UP, India 226003



+91 9780008702, +91 9215505226

+91 8699143312



PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh


Governing body

Governing body

The names, addresses Designations of the present members of the governing body to whom the management of the society is entrusted as required under section 2 of the societies Registration Act 1860, as applicable to all over India are as follows:-